
-1 rows


An appointment (class, trial session or personal training) by the customer(s) taking part in it. Note: There can be multiple customers per appointment, leading to multiple entries of the same appointment_id.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
customer_appointment_id int8 19 null

The primary key of this table. System column calculated by the source System.

organization_unit_id int8 19 null
dim_organization_unit.organization_unit_id fct_customer_appointment_organization_unit_id_fkey R

The studio where the appointment takes place.

appointment_id int8 19 null
dim_appointment.appointment_id fct_customer_appointment_appointment_id_fkey R

The unique appointment in the calendar. With useful information about it, eg. its status.

customer_id int8 19 null
dim_customer.customer_id fct_customer_appointment_customer_id_fkey R

The customer who is trained at in this appointment.

service_id int8 19 null
dim_service.service_id fct_customer_appointment_service_id_fkey R

The pre-defined service this appointment is about e.g class, single appointment with a trainer, trial session, or null if no service was assigned.

start_date date 13 null
dim_date.date fct_customer_appointment_start_date_fkey R

The date when the appointment starts.

end_date date 13 null
dim_date.date fct_customer_appointment_end_date_fkey R

The date when the appointment ends.

start_date_time timestamp 29,6 null

The local timestamp at which the appointment starts.

end_date_time timestamp 29,6 null

The local timestamp at which the appointment ends.

booking_status varchar 256 null

The stage of the booking

  • BOOKED: Customer had contingent and succesfully booked the appointment
  • CANCELED: Customer booked before but canceled it afterwards
  • WAITING_LIST: Customer had contingent but the appointments max_participants were already reached. If someone cancels, he will be able to book again.
participant_status varchar 256 null

The reported status of the customers physical presence

  • PARTICIPATING: The customer was reported to be present at the appointment
  • NOT_PARTICIPATING: The customer was reported to be not present at the appointment
  • UNSET: Nothing was reported back about the phsysical presence of the customer at the appointment
booking_source varchar 256 null
Through which system this appointment was booked.
  • WEBCLIENT: Appointment booked on Systems Website by employee.
  • CONNECT_API: Appointment booked via the Systems public API (eg tenant website)
  • OPEN_API: Appointment booked via Partner Integration.
  • PUBLIC_API_LEGACY: Appointment booked via a deprecated API (eg tenant website)
  • MYSPORTS: Appointment booked via Mysports/Branded App or mysports.com
  • TOUCHPOINT: Appointment booked via Touchpoint, a self service solution enabling members to book additional modules via touch screen in the studio.
  • ONLINE_CHECKOUT_PAGE: Appointment booked via Studio Pages feature (See Settings > Websites > Studio pages)
  • DEVICE: Appointment booked via physical device in the studio, that is able to register customers. Eg a Turnstile.
contingent_type varchar 256 null

What type of contingent was used to book this appointment. Is FREE, when no contingent needed to be used and the booking did not incur any costs to the customer.

inclusive_contingent_id int8 19 null
dim_inclusive_contingent.inclusive_contingent_id fct_customer_appointment_inclusive_contingent_id_fkey R

The inclusive contingent which was used for booking.If NULL inclusive contingent was not used to book the appointment.

purchased_contingent_id int8 19 null
dim_purchased_contingent.purchased_contingent_id fct_customer_appointment_purchased_contingent_id_fkey R

The purchased contingent which was used for booking. If NULL purchased contingent was not used to book the appointment.

last_updated timestamptz 35 null

System column. UTC Timestamp at which entry was calculated (lags behind source system).
