
-1 rows


A device connected to the system, which enables registering customers using certain areas (the whole gym, the gym sauna) or machines (eg a massage bed) of a gym.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
device_id int8 19 null
fct_checkin.device_id fct_checkin_device_id_fkey R

The primary key of this table. System column calculated by the source System.

name varchar 256 null

The name of the device chosen on setup.

connection_type varchar 256 null

How the device talks to the System. One of USB, NETWORK, COM, API, USB_VIRTUAL_COM

model varchar 256 null

The model name of the device. Chosen by the manufacturer.

active bool 1 null

Whether the device currently accepts inputs.

last_updated timestamptz 35 null

System column. UTC Timestamp at which entry was calculated (lags behind source system).
