
-1 rows


A class that a customer can participate in, e.g. yoga, dance class, etc


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
class_id int8 19 null
fct_class_appointment.class_id fct_class_appointment_class_id_fkey R
fct_class_event.class_id fct_class_event_class_id_fkey R
fct_trainer_class_appointments.class_id fct_trainer_class_appointments_class_id_fkey R

The primary key of this table. System column calculated by the source System.

name varchar 256 null

The name of the class

description varchar 256 null

The description of the class

purchasing_type varchar 256 null

A purchasing type of the class

free_usage bool 1 null

Whether or not class is free

studio_access_type varchar 256 null

For who this class is available, such as:

  • MAIN_STUDIO: customer’s home studio needs to be the same, where the appointment (assigned to benefit) takes place.
  • ALL_STUDIOS: all customers are allowed to use it.
  • RESTRICTED_STUDIOS: only customers from specific studios can use it.
archived bool 1 null

Permanently removed but kept for historic relations.

booking_option_type varchar 256 null

How a class can be booked* USAGE_REQUIRES_CONTINGENT: customer should use contingent to book a class.* FREE_USAGE: a class is free for booking* DISPLAY_ONLY: used for MySports.Customers are not able to book this class. Customers can only see when this class will take place

last_updated timestamptz 35 null

System column. UTC Timestamp at which entry was calculated (lags behind source system).
